SPEC 5353 - Enhancement to expand the number of entries allowed in the Warehouse Matrix File from 24 to 99.

Date Released: Feb 2018

Modules: Navigator and Green Screen Warehouse Matrix File, All programs that access the Warehouse Matrix File.

Description:Expand the Warehouse Matrix File so that more than 24 warehouses can be entered.

Reason: The Warehouse Matrix File is used to establish primary and secondary warehouses. For example, if you are ordering a bulk item, and there is insufficient inventory to cover the order at the primary warehouse the order will be filled using inventory from the secondary warehouses. An entry is made for each warehouse that you want displayed and the sequence that you want them displayed in. Using this option gives you substantial control over the movement and costs of warehouse inventory.

Accessing the Warehouse Matrix File

Green Screen

  • SET 17
  • D24 21

Navigator - Warehouse Matrix File